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SALTO Awards 2023 Last Call and other news in The August Edition of SALTO News!

SALTO Awards promote Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects in the fields of Youth, Education and Training. Along with great prizes, the SALTO Awards winners receive extra promotion across SALTO network to inspire more people across Europe and beyond. Don’t miss your chance and nominate your project by Wednesday, August 16 2023 at saltoawards.eu.

Besides SALTO Awards, in the August edition of the newsletter you can also find new episodes of Europe Talks Solidarity, as well as open calls and new publications.

SALTO news is the official newsletter of the SALTO community, a network of 11 resource centres committed to promotion and improvement of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

Keep up with the latest development and never miss an update – make sure to subscribe to SALTO news!

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Our Guidelines on Development of Inclusion & Diversity Strategies found their place in the July edition of SALTO News!

Together with a pool of experts that have been delivering tailor-made mentorship service to national agencies across Europe, we developed Guidelines on Development of Inclusion & Diversity Strategies, on which SALTO News informed in July Edition.

In the July edition you can also find the link where all the SALTO podcasts are collected, open call for young people and organisations to participate in the survey on needs of young people and organisations in the field of youth and volunteering, as well as updates on other open calls, publications, etc.

SALTO news is the official newsletter of the SALTO community, a network of 11 resource centres committed to promotion and improvement of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

Keep up with the latest development and never miss an update – make sure to subscribe to SALTO news!

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Our Report on Needs and Challenges of Inclusion Officers in the June Edition of SALTO News!

In the June edition of SALTO News you can find our Report on Needs and Challenges of Inclusion Officers, which aims to identify Erasmus+ national agencies’ current practice, needs and challenges concerning inclusion and diversity.

The June edition also features latest news and updates on the open call to SALTO Awards 2023 and YOCOMO Systemic online training course, SALTO Awards 2022 Winning Projects’ Videos, and The Media & Information Literacy Project Lab in Tallinn, as well as updates on other open calls, publications, etc.

SALTO news is the official newsletter of the SALTO community, a network of 11 resource centres committed to promotion and improvement of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

Keep up with the latest development and never miss an update – make sure to subscribe to SALTO news!






Logo of ID Kitchen Online Training

Registration for the new edition of ID Kitchen is open!

SALTO Inclusion and Diversity (Youth) in cooperation with SALTO Inclusion and Diversity (Education and Training) is organising “Inclusion & Diversity Kitchen” (ID Kitchen) online training for staff of national agencies on inclusion and diversity, from 16th till 18th of October 2023.

As the previous editions, this training aims to provide basic knowledge on inclusion and diversity issues and offers a set of recipes to the NA staff to better support Inclusion and Diversity Officers, inclusion groups and organisations. The ID Kitchen will make inclusion and diversity everybody’s business and train new ID sous chefs, whether they are members of youth, cross-sectoral or education and training national agencies.

The training is primarily meant for those who are not Inclusion and Diversity Officers in their agencies (for example, people working in communication department, who are TCA/NET officers, project officers, accountants, etc.) and who are interested in learning more about the topic.

Register before 12th of September 2023!

Meanwhile, you can find out more about inclusion and diversity in national agencies which implement Erasmus+ and European solidarity Corps in ID Kitchen Podcast. Some of the topics covered in the podcast are: why inclusion and diversity matter, who is responsible for that in everyday work, what tools are available, the role of communication, how to get others on board for promoting inclusion and diversity.















Logo of Salto Awards

The SALTO Awards are back in 2023!

Nomination of inspirational and quality projects for the SALTO Awards 2023 has been open since June 1st. It recognises work well done and inspires young people, decision makers and applicants of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps to have a greater impact. The contest is open to projects from the Erasmus+ or/and European Solidarity Corps Programme and partner countries (Regions 1-3).  

Five nomination categories are open this year: Digital Transformation, Environment & Fight Against Climate Change, Inclusion & Diversity, Participation in Democratic Life and Solidarity & Volunteering. 

 By nominating your project for the SALTO Awards, you can win: 

  • A 700 euros prize for the winning project in each category; 
  • Your project featured in the promotion of the SALTO Awards winners and as best practice on SALTO communication channels and during events; 
  • An invitation to the “Youth Participation in Democratic Life” event and the SALTO Awards Ceremony in October 2023 in Lublin, Poland, European Youth Capital! 

You can nominate a project if you are a project team member or participant of the project, part of  organisation, movement, public institution or national agency. 

 Nominate your project by August 16th 2023.

Logo of Academic Cooperation Association

Our new report featured in new ACA Newsletter!

Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) published the May edition of its newsletter. Among other news, it features a post about our Report on Needs, Challenges and Practices of Erasmus+ National Agencies on the Topic of Inclusion and Diversity in the Erasmus+ Programme in the section named News from ACA. 

In the newsletter you can also find news on European policy, national education and the global context, open calls for various events, etc.  

ACA is a membership organisation that promotes internationalisation of higher education. It serves as a platform for its members, who are national-level organisations, for mutual learning and the exchange of good practice and joint activities. ACA is engaged in research into internationalisation of higher education, producing studies and evaluations.  

Join their newsletter and keep up to date with the news from ACA!  

Logo of Erasmus Student Network.

15th Edition of ESNsurvey is launched!

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN), has launched thea 15th edition of its flagship research project – the ESNsurvey. It is the largest survey of its kind, involving ESN’s 44 National Organisations and more than 500 local associations in the dissemination. Fill out the the survey until 31st of July. 

The survey seeks tomonitor the implementation of mobility programmesand the experience of international learners abroad, as well as the perceptions of students who have not participated in international student mobility yet.  

This year’s survey will emphasize inclusion and access to student mobility, as well as the student perceptions on aspects related to civic engagement, sustainability and digitalisation.  

The results of the ESNsurvey are widely disseminated to the European Commission, Members of the European Parliament and National Agencies, as well as Higher Education Institutions. 

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The ID Forum 2023 in the Spotlight of the May Edition of SALTO News

The new edition of SALTO news is published and one of the main topics is inspiring ID Forum 2023, held in Bucharest, Romania, in which SALTO Inclusion and Diversity (Education and Training) also took part.

Besides the article on the ID Forum 2023, the May edition of the newsletter features latest news and updates from other resource centres: an invitation to join The Buddy Support measure, an overview of the European Training Strategy, info about  LTA „Digital Transformers“ study visit in Armenia, updates on open calls and publications etc.

SALTO news is the official newsletter of the SALTO community, a network of 11 resource centres committed to promotion and improvement of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

Keep up with the latest development and never miss an update – make sure to subscribe to SALTO news!


The 21 Recommendations as a Result of the European Citizens’ Learning Mobility Panel

Over three weekends in March and April, 150 randomly selected citizens of different age groups and backgrounds from all 27 Member States discussed and identified obstacles to learning mobility abroad.

The ideas put forward by the citizens turned into 21 concrete recommendations aiming to facilitate the mobility of learners, educators, and staff from one country to another. The panel’s recommendations highlight the importance of increasing further the awareness of opportunities and encourage the participation of people with fewer opportunities. They also outline opportunities and challenges brought by digitalisation and explore sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental impact of mobility.

These recommendations will feed into the proposal for a Council recommendation on learning mobility, planned later in 2023, alongside the contributions to the public consultation and the results of the ongoing study on learning mobility.

English version of the recommendations is available on the European Commision’s website. Translations into the official languages of the EU will be added in the coming weeks.

An image showing name tags of participants.

Inclusion and Diversity Forum in Bucharest

Bucharest in Romania was the host of the second edition of the Inclusion and Diversity Forum. The three-day international conference was co-organised by the Romanian Erasmus+ agency and SALTO Inclusion and Diversity (Youth) with the aim of creation of greater visibility for inclusion and diversity and building bridges between stakeholders active in different EU mobility programmes. Among over 120 attendees were organisations and participants from the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes, as well as youth workers, educators, social workers, youth practitioners, mentors and representatives from Erasmus+ agencies.

A group photo of participants in a conference room.

The opening speeches were delivered by Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot from the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) and Monica Calotã from the Romanian Erasmus+ agency. The agenda was a combination of presentations, workshops, field visits and interactive sessions that offered space for working on different issues related to the topic of inclusion and diversity and enabled participants to acquire new information, inspiration, methods and partners. During the ID Connections and ID Stories sessions, SALTO Inclusion and Diversity (Education and Training) representative Josip Luša showcased the work done by the resource centre thus far and delivered talks on opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ programme, as well as on ways of motivating, encouraging and supporting participants of various backgrounds.

“Our SALTO resource centre develops tools and resources that can help implementation of inclusive-minded projects and activities across Europe. We are particularly targeting individuals and groups that face various barriers and are otherwise difficult to reach. For them, participation in Erasmus+ is not only an opportunity to take part in international mobility, it is very often a life-changing experience.”

Speakers sitting on a stage in front of audience.

The event was funded by the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes and coordinated by SALTO Inclusion and Diversity (Youth).