National Agencies’ ID Strategies & Top-up
Interested in what’s going on at a national level?
Discover the inclusion and diversity strategies and action plans outlined by Erasmus+ national agencies, including the specific top-up* criteria each has established. To explore each agency’s approach, simply click on the relevant country’s flag!
*Top-up is financial support in higher education for participants with fewer opportunities, defined by national agencies and national public bodies responsible for higher education.
National Agency’s ID Strategy
OeAD-GmbH – Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (AT01)
Nationaler Plan für Inklusion & Vielfalt für Erasmus+ und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- Students with duty of care to their children, who take their children on Erasmus+ mobility
- Students with disability
- Students with chronic disease, if extra costs occur during the mobility in comparison to the costs usually occur relting to the disease in the sending country
National Agencies’ ID Strategies
EPOS- vzw (BE02)
YIA-BEDE – Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft V.o.G. (BE03)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- national scholarship students
- working students
- students with disabilities
- near-grant students*
*Near-grant students are “almost scholarship students” as stipulated in art. I.3.16° of the Flemish legislation “Codex Hoger Onderwijs”: a student who does not receive a study allowance from the Flemish Community, but whose reference income is no more than 3000 euro above the maximum financial limit stipulated in the regulations concerning study grants. The amount of 3000 euros will be indexed in accordance with article II.218 of the Codex HO.
YIA-BEDE – Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft V.o.G. (BE03)
- a financially disadvantaged person (any person who receives a study grant from the German-speaking Community of Belgium)
- health disadvantage (any participant who suffers from a serious or chronic illness or other physical or mental health problem that makes it difficult to participate in a mobility activity)
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) (BG01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 and over 70 percent
- war disabled and war injured;
- orphans without two parents
- a parent with three or more children
- persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, have a measure of protection taken in accordance with The Child Protection Act (CPA) – placement in a foster family, a residential-type social service or a specialized institution
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (HR01)
Inclusion and Diversity Strategy
Top-up Criteria in 2024
Top-up for fewer opportunities is obligatory for these categories:
- students with lower socio-economic status
- students with refugee, asylum seeker or migrant status,
- students with support for inclusion (students whose personal, physical, mental or health condition is such that their participation in the project / mobility activity would not be possible without additional financial or other types of support)
There is wide range of other categories that HEIs can choose from and offer top-up for fewer opportunities such as:
- Students whose parents have a lower level of education
- female students in the technical field, male students in the humanities
- 30+ students
- students who have kids,
- students with VET pre-graduate education
- students who work (employed students)
- students who study outside of their residence
- students from rural areas and islands
- students from war veteran families
- students without adequate parental care
- Roma national minority students
- homeless students and those at risk of homelessness
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) (CY01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- physical, mental and psychological disabilities
- physical and mental health issues, serious illnesses, or chronic illnesses, leading to disability
- a low socio-economic background
- an immigrant or refugee background
- who are children of single-parent or large families and have been approved to receive the Single-Parent Family Allowance and the Child Allowance for families with three children or more, respectively
- who are parents themselves and fall into the category of people with a low socio-economic background
- who come from rural, underdeveloped or remote areas
- who come from rural families monitored by Social Welfare Services and children in care
- with learning disabilities
- who are parents or have careers, not included in the categories above, and cannot be absent for a long-term period
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (CZ01)
Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- students facing the economic barrier or caregiver, breadwinner or young parent
- students with economic barrier are defined by receiving social scholarship or his family does not reach 3,4 times the subsistence level
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (DK01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
For outgoing students (both KA131 and KA171)
- Students with functional impairments, chronic or treatment-requiring disorders;
- Students, who are summoned for civic duty or for service in the army reserve;
- Caregivers or resource persons (parents, adoptive parents, carers of sick family members, mentors or support persons)
For incoming students (KA171)
- Students with functional impairments, chronic or treatment-requiring disorders;
- Parents to children under 18 years
- Students from ODA countries without a Danish reprentation who thus have to cross at least one border to apply for a visa
- Students who have to travel more than 1000 km to the nearest Danish representation to apply for visa
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Estonian Agency (EE01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- students receiving needs-based study allowance
- students with minor children
- students with foster-care background
- students with diminished work ability
- students with health related special needs or chronic illness
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) (FI01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- students with underage children
- family carers who have made an agreement of informal care with the municipality
- disabilities with min. moderate functional deficiency, or EU Disability Card or eligibility for it
- health conditions with min. moderate functional deficiency
- migrant background: have received or are receiving international, subsidiary or temporary protection
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Agence Erasmus+ France/Education Formation – 2E2F (FR01)
Inclusion & Diversity Strategy
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- being in a situation of disability or long-term illness (ALD);
- living in a municipality classified as a rural revitalization zone (ZRR);
- living at an address classified as a priority neighbourhood of the city;
- being a recipient of higher education scholarships based on social criteria at levels 6 and 7;
- being a recipient of a secondary school scholarship (levels 1 to 3);
- being a recipient of a high school scholarship (levels 4 to 6);
- belonging to a household with a CAF family quotient of less than or equal to €551;
- being an A category job seeker for over a year;
- being enrolled in one of the following schemes:
- Schemes to combat school dropout;
- Volunteering contracts for integration;
- Contractualized support pathways towards employment and autonomy (Pacea) and Youth Guarantee;
- Adapted military service (SMA) or voluntary military service (SMV);
- Tapaj program (Alternative work paid daily).
National Agencies’ ID Strategies
Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit (NA-DAAD) (DE01)
Erasmus+ Inklusionsstrategie der Nationalen Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit
Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BiBB) (DE02)
ZUGANG FÜR ALLE: Erasmus+-Inklusionsstrategie der NA beim BIBB
Pädagogischer Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz, Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich (PA) (DE03)
Strategie zur Inklusion und Vielfalt der Nationalen Agentur im PAD
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- Incoming participants with economic barriers (optional)
- Working students (mandatory)
- First generation students (mandatory)
- Students with children (mandatory)
- Students with disability or chronic illness (mandatory)
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (IKY) (EL01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
Per capita income: 6.000 € (for people with disabilities 7.000 €) if combined with the following categories:
- single parent
- student is a parent with three (3) children or more
- student is an orphan (both parents), as long as he/she is not over 25 years old
- student belongs to a family with 3 children or more
- dependent member of a single parent family
- has a parent/ or sibling/spouse/child with a severe disability
- Greek citizen member of the Muslim Minority of Thrace
- Roma background
- refugee background
- migrant background
- students with disability or chronic condition
- students that are ex offenders
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) (HU01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- participants with health conditions (outgoing participants who are disabled or chronically ill)
- additional support may be requested for disabled or chronically ill outgoing students and staff in accordance with the relevant call for applications: additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses participating in the Erasmus+ program
- difficulties related to education and training systems
- students attending a part-time or long-distance course
- student has been awarded extra points for being disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged when applying to a higher education institution
- vulnerable social groups
- students belonging to a national or ethnic minority recognised in Hungary, in particular members of the Roma ethnic minority
- ethnic Hungarian minority students who are living outside of Hungary
- students with refugee status recognised by the Hungarian state
- social difficulties
- at least one parent/guardian of the applicant has not completed secondary education
- applicant is a parent/guardian
- students who are in or have left the public care system: students who were raised in a children’s home, a residential home, a foster home or received aftercare
- students who are orphans/half-orphans
- students living in a large family (2 or more siblings living in the same household).
- economic difficulties
- student has been awarded a Bursa Hungarica Municipal Higher Education Scholarship
- student receives or has received a regular or exceptional social grant provided by a Hungarian Higher Education Institution
- student is/was a beneficiary of the Mentoring Programme of The National Union of Students in Hungary
- student is/was a beneficiary of „Path to higher education“-„Path to a degree“ („Úta felsőoktatásba“-„Út a diplomához“)
- student is/was a member of a Roma college.
- student received a basic social education grant at the start of his/her higher education
- student has received support from the Arany János Talent Support Programme
- student has a sudden change in their social circumstances, e.g., death of the provider, unemployment – e.g., during the COVID-19 epidemic – long-term illness of the provider, accident
- student has a paid job and will have a loss of income during the mobility period during their studies or traineeship abroad
- student is attending a fee-paying course at the time of application (Document to be submitted: copy of institutional document, notification)
- geographical difficulties
- The student is a resident of one of the beneficiary municipalities defined by Government Decree 105/2015 (IV.23.)
National Agency’s ID Strategy
The Icelandic Centre for Research: Erasmus+ National Agency in Iceland – education and sports (IS01)
Inngildingarstefna Landskrifstofu Erasmus+
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- I am an immigrant or a child of immigrants
- I have a refugee status
- I have health problems: This includes severe illnesses, chronic diseases, or any other physical or mental health-related situation
- I have a disability/disabilities: This includes physical, mental, intellectual, learning disabilities or sensory impairments
- I have a child/children under the age of 18
*From the next school year (2025-2026) – two criteria will be added: people with low economic background and people living in rural areas
National Agencies’ ID Strategies
Léargas (IE01)
Léargas Inclusion and Diversity Strategy
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) (IE02)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- recipients of the top-up must be already in receipt of the Irish SUSI grant, which is a national grant to support fee costs for students from a disadvantaged background
National Agencies’ ID Strategies
Istituto per l’analisi delle politiche pubbliche (INAPP) (IT01)
Piano strategico per l’inclusione e la diversità
Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ (INDIRE) (IT02)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- participants with certified physical, mental and health problems
- participants in economic disadvantage as set by our NAU for a.y. 2024 with Ministerial Decree (DM) n. 318 del 14.03.2024
- cultural differences
- individuals from migrant and refugee backgrounds, national or ethnic backgrounds,
- individuals with language adaptation and cultural inclusion difficulties
- students with minor children
- working students
- professional athletes students
- students who are orphans of at least one parent
- students who are children of victims of terrorism and organized crime
- students of enrolled in all fields of study that are underrepresented in mobility programs
- female students enrolled in STEM
National Agency’s ID Strategy
State Education Development Agency (LV01)
Strategy of Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+
Top-up Criteria in 2024
National agency does not apply additional national criteria for top-ups and is applying criteria defined by European Commission.
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Agentur für Internationale Bildungsangelegenheiten (AIBA) (LI01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- social Top-up for students with disabilities in accordance with the Disability Equality Act
- social Top-up for students with child(ren)
From 2022, not only persons in Liechtenstein who are eligible for a scholarship should be able to apply for a top-up, but all persons who, due to their personal, physical, mental or health situation, would not be able to participate in a mobility activity without additional financial or other support.
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Education Exchanges Support Foundation (EESF) (LT01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
The NA has issued a Procedure on Administrative and Financial Management of Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility Projects for the Participants with Fewer Opportunities (hereafter – Procedure), which empowers HEIs to define specific target groups of participants with fewer opportunities according to their own needs. The approach and procedure have been approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. According to the Procedure, the HEIs have to set up the internal selection procedures, which would ensure equal opportunities and treatment for persons with fewer opportunities.
National Agencies’ ID Strategies
Anefore (LU01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
The national criteria for the top-up for fewer opportunities correspond to the definition indicated in the glossary of the programme guide.
National Agency’s ID Strategy
European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) (MT01)
A Strategy Plan for Inclusion and Diversity
Top-up Criteria in 2024
Based on the Inclusion and Diversity section on page 8 of the Programme Guide 2021, where it refers to geographical barriers; with specific reference to small islands (as in the case of Malta and Gozo), the NA concluded that all outgoing participants will be entitled for the fixed rate top-up 250 EUR per month plus individual support.
The Netherlands
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Nationaal Agentschap Erasmus+ Onderwijs & Training (NL01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- participants (students) with disabilities
- participants (students) with health-related conditions
- participants with economic barriers
North Macedonia
National Agency’s ID Strategy
National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility (NAEEPM) (MK01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- participants (students and staff) with physical, mental or health-related conditions
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (NO01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- students with children or other caring responsibilities
- students with permanently impaired functional ability and chronic illnesses
- students with refugee status
- first generation students
- students who belong to the indigenous population and national minorities
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) (PL01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- students with disabilities
- students with economical barrier
+ criteria included in the HEI’s internal regulations (if they exist)
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação (PROALV) (PT01)
Estratégia para a Inclusão e Diversidade
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- participants with cultural differences, barriers linked to discrimination, social barriers, economic barriers, and geographical barriers (for Azores and Madeira, only)
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale (ANPCDEFP) (RO01)
Strategia pentru includere și diversitate
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- a student who benefits from a social scholarship or who qualifies/meets the conditions to benefit from a social scholarship granted by the higher education institution where the student is enrolled, according to an order of the Ministry of Education;
- a student who is an orphan of a parent or both parents;
- a student who comes from a single-parent family (due to death, disappearance, incarceration of the other parent or non-recognition through the birth certificate);
- a student in the category of „first student in the family“ (meaning a student who does not already have a bachelor’s degree, whose parents did not obtain a university degree, but may have brothers/sisters who are already students/have already graduated from a university);
- a person with a disability (which includes physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments) or health problems (which includes serious illness, chronic illness or any other condition related to physical or mental health that prevents a person from participating in the program);
- a person whose family did not achieve an average net monthly income per family member higher than the minimum net basic salary for the economy in the 12 months before the submission of supporting documents;
- a person with sole parent status (due to death, disappearance, incarceration of the other parent or non-recognition by birth certificate);
- a person of Roma ethnicity;
- a person with refugee status.
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Foundation Tempus (RS01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- student with a disability or long-term illness (physical, mental or health-related conditions)
- student that receives national social help
- student whose family receives national social help
- students that live in underdeveloped or devastated regions of Serbia
- students with disadvantaged background- whose family’s monthly salary is low
- student is a single parent
- student is a parent and has 3 or more kids, out of which at least one is a dependent member
- student is a parent and not over 26 years old
- student lives in foster home and not over 26 years old
- student belongs to a family with 3 children or more
- student is a dependent member of a single parent family
- student has a parent/ or sibling with a disability
- student is a Roma
- student is a refugee
- student is internally displaced person
- all other categories defined in the Programme Guide
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation (SAAIC) (SK01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- participants with disabilities
- participants with health problems (with chronic health disease or psychiatric illness)
- participants facing economic barriers (low family income, orphan etc.)
- participants facing social barriers (single parent with child, discrimination issues etc.)
- participants facing other barriers (migrants, ethnic origin etc.)
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Center Republike Slovenije za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja (CMEPIUS) (SI01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- special needs
- The participant has a valid decision from the ZRSŠ/CSD/ZZZS* (has a guardian, a companion, a learning adjustment, a disability, etc.) or his/her siblings, parents or guardians
- health problems
- Participant has a long-term illness or allergy (e.g. diabetes, coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, etc.) that requires a special diet or other adaptations
- participant is a person who needs a personal assistant to live independently
- participant has a disability that requires an escort
- participant is experiencing mental distress and disorders
- barriers related to related to systems education and training
- participant is an adult learner who is low-skilled and has not completed upper secondary education (V level of education)
- structure of the curriculum makes it difficult for the participant (student) to engage in learning or training abroad as part of their studies
- participant is a school leaver; not in education, employment or training
- cultural differences
- participant has a migrant, refugee background
- social barriers
- participant comes from a single-parent family, is in a foster family, institutional care
- students with children
- participant is a (former) addict, offender, prisoner, homeless person
- participant is experiencing mental distress and disorders
- economic barriers
- learner is resident in a municipality where the average gross earnings per capita index is lower than 85. (All learners are also eligible for additional financial support, or an organisation (e.g. university, school) is eligible, a people’s university) organising mobility for learners who are resident in a municipality in which the gross average income index is (source: (for the most recent year of data available)) and the allowance is intended to support the involvement of learners in the Erasmus+ programme. Professional staff included in the single pay scale cannot be classified in the group of persons facing this type of barrier.)
- participant is a pupil or student who receives a state grant
- participant is a pupil or student who receives a subsidised meal
- participant is a single parent
- student who is employed
- participant is retired with a minimum pension
- participant is a recipient of social assistance
- barriers related to discrimination
- participant is a representative of the Roma community
- participant has international protection or alien status
- participant is discriminated against on the grounds of sexual orientation (LGBTQ+)
- participant belongs to a gender minority (e.g. girls in science and technology boys in science and technology schools or boys in health and beauty and similar schools) participant is discriminated against on the grounds of ageism
- geographical barriers
- participant is remote from public transport infrastructure
- participant lives in an area with fewer services (transport, administration, etc.)
other: participant is affected by a natural disaster or unexpected event (flood, earthquake, fire, etc.).
The assessment of eligibility for a category is a matter for the institution organising the mobility and is not a matter for CMEPIUS (NA).
*ZRSŠ is Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo = National Education Institute Slovenia; CSD is Center za socialno delo = Centres for Social work; ZZZS is Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije = Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia
Document with possibilities for additional financial support depending on the measure and action:
Parametri_2024.pdf (
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National Agency’s ID Strategy
Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) (ES01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- students covered by a national / regional (Basque Country) educational scholarship
- students with refugee status or international protection
- those with disabilities or other health related conditions (physical or mental)
- students that belong to a single-parent /large family
- working students
- students receiving national or regional allowances/subsidies
- students in risk of social exclusion
- students facing a situation of social emergency
- students that take care of dependents or students who are dependent
- students considered victims of terrorism, gender-based violence or orphans
- students from the autonomous cities of Ceuta y Melilla
National Agency’s ID Strategy
Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) (SE01)
Erasmus+ strategi för inkludering och mångfald
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- parents/ legal guardians (it’s no longer a requirement that the children accompany their parent/ guardian on the mobility)
- students with disability (physical, mental, learning disability)
National Agency’s ID Strategy
The Centre for European Union Education and Youth Programmes (CEUEYP) (TR01)
Top-up Criteria in 2024
- those who have a protection, care or accommodation decision by the Ministry of Family and Social Services in accordance with the relevant law
- students for whom a decision on protection, care or accommodation has been taken within the scope of the relevant law
- orphan/death pension recipients
- spouses and children of martyrs / veterans and veterans themselves
- students, parents or guardians who have been granted needy pension
- disabled people
- those who receive a disabled or needy pension from one of their parents or guardian within the scope of the relevant law
- those who themselves or their first-degree relatives receive disaster victim assistance from the relevant public body
Austria (AT01)
OeAD-GmbH - Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung
Nationaler Plan für Inklusion & Vielfalt für Erasmus+ und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
Belgium (BE03)
YIA-BEDE - Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft V.o.G.
Inklusionsstrategie der Nationalen Agentur für Erasmus+ und das Europäische Solidaritätskorps in Ostbelgien
Croatia (HR01)
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
Action Plan for Inclusion and Diversity
Czechia (CZ01)
Czech National Agency for International Education and Research
Denmark (DK01)
Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
Estonia (EE01)
Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Estonian Agency
Inclusion and Diversity Strategy for Education 2021–2027
France (FR01)
Agence Erasmus+ France/Education Formation - 2E2F
Strategie Inclusion
Germany (DE01)
Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit (NA-DAAD)
Germany (DE02)
Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BiBB)
Strategieplan Inklusion und Vielfalt
Germany (DE03)
Pädagogischer Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz, Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich (PA)
Strategie zur Inklusion und Vielfalt der Nationalen Agentur im PAD
Iceland (IS01)
The Icelandic Centre for Research: Erasmus+ National Agency in Iceland – education and sports
Ireland (IE01)
Léargas Inclusion and Diversity Strategy
Italy (IT01)
Istituto per l'analisi delle politiche pubbliche (INAPP)
Italy (IT02)
Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ (INDIRE)
Inclusion Strategy 2021-2027
Luxembourg (LU01)
Inclusion and Diversity - Action Plan 2022-2023
Malta (MT01)
European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA)
A Strategy Plan for Inclusion and Diversity
The Netherlands (NL01)
Nationaal Agentschap Erasmus+ Onderwijs & Training
Inclusion Strategy 2021-2027
Poland (PL01)
Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE)
Strategy for Social Inclusion and Diversity
Portugal (PT01)
Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação (PROALV)
Romania (RO01)
Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale (ANPCDEFP)
Serbia (RS01)
Foundation Tempus
Inclusion Strategy for the Implementation of the Erasmus+ and ESC Programmes in the Republic of Serbia
Sweden (SE01)
Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)
Erasmus+ strategi för inkludering och mångfald