Policy documents

Want to know more about policy commitments, regulations and position papers on the topic of inclusion and diversity at a European level? Check out our Policy documents section!


Communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025

The Communication on the European Education Area outlines how cooperation can further enrich the quality, inclusiveness and digital and green dimension of Member State education systems. It shows how together, Member States can shape a European Education Area based on freedom for learners and teachers to learn and work across the continent and for institutions to freely associate with one another in Europe and beyond.

European Pillar of Social Rights

The European Pillar of Social Rights sets out 20 key principles and rights essential for fair and well-functioning labour markets and social protection systems. Principles relate to the lives of persons with disabilities in areas such as employment, education and training, or long-term care.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action plan that was adopted on 25 September 2015 by Heads of State and Government at a special UN summit. Made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals that are further broken down into 169 targets to be met by 2030, its aim is to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development worldwide.