National Agencies’ ID Strategies & Top-up

Interested in what’s going on at a national level?

Discover the inclusion and diversity strategies and action plans outlined by Erasmus+ national agencies, including the specific top-up* criteria each has established. To explore each agency’s approach, simply click on the relevant country’s flag!

*Top-up is financial support in higher education for participants with fewer opportunities, defined by national agencies and national public bodies responsible for higher education.


Austria (AT01)

Belgium (BE03)

YIA-BEDE - Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft V.o.G.

Inklusionsstrategie der Nationalen Agentur für Erasmus+ und das Europäische Solidaritätskorps in Ostbelgien

Croatia (HR01)

Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

Action Plan for Inclusion and Diversity

Czechia (CZ01)

Czech National Agency for International Education and Research

Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan

Estonia (EE01)

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Estonian Agency

Inclusion and Diversity Strategy for Education  2021–2027

France (FR01)

Agence Erasmus+ France/Education Formation - 2E2F

Strategie Inclusion

Germany (DE01)

Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit (NA-DAAD)


Germany (DE02)

Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BiBB)

Strategieplan Inklusion und Vielfalt

Germany (DE03)

Pädagogischer Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz, Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich (PA)

Strategie zur Inklusion und Vielfalt der Nationalen Agentur im PAD

Iceland (IS01)

The Icelandic Centre for Research: Erasmus+ National Agency in Iceland – education and sports

Inngildingarstefna Landskrifstofu Erasmus+

Ireland (IE01)


Léargas Inclusion and Diversity Strategy

Italy (IT01)

Istituto per l'analisi delle politiche pubbliche (INAPP)

Piano strategico per l’inclusione e la diversità

Italy (IT02)

Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ (INDIRE)

Inclusion Strategy 2021-2027

Luxembourg (LU01)


Inclusion and Diversity - Action Plan 2022-2023

Malta (MT01)

European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA)

A Strategy Plan for Inclusion and Diversity

The Netherlands (NL01)

Nationaal Agentschap Erasmus+ Onderwijs & Training

Inclusion Strategy 2021-2027

Poland (PL01)

Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE)

Strategy for Social Inclusion and Diversity

Portugal (PT01)

Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação (PROALV)

Estratégia para a Inclusão e Diversidade

Romania (RO01)

Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale (ANPCDEFP)

Strategia pentru includere și diversitate

Serbia (RS01)

Foundation Tempus

Inclusion Strategy for the Implementation of the Erasmus+ and ESC Programmes in the Republic of Serbia

Sweden (SE01)

Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)

Erasmus+ strategi för inkludering och mångfald