
Share Your Perspective on Erasmus+ and Help European Commission to Evaluate It!

European Commission invites you to participate in the open public consultation on Erasmus+, which will contribute to the evaluation of the program’s current status. This consultation also encompasses the evaluation of Erasmus+ from 2014 to 2020.

Regardless of whether you’re a student, an educator, a youth worker, a staff member at a sending organization, an NGO representative, or come from any other background, your input is highly valued. Your perspective holds significance irrespective of your nationality, age, or prior involvement with Erasmus+.

The consultation addresses various aspects, including:

  • The relevance of the program’s objectives in meeting current societal needs.
  • The program’s efforts in reducing its environmental impact, reaching out to persons with fewer opportunities, and achieving its goals.
  • The program’s inclusivity and user-friendliness.

The consultation will remain open for 12 weeks, concluding on December 8, 2023 and it is available in all 24 official EU languages.

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