After the Event

After the event, the journey towards inclusivity continues.


After the Event

After the event, the journey towards inclusivity continues. By actively seeking and valuing input on the event’s accessibility, you not only empower participants but also pave the way for ongoing improvements.

Ask for feedback on the accessibility of the event (for example, accessibility of documents, venue, content etc.)

Provide multiple evaluation methods that are accessible to previously determined needs of the participants

If event resources are shared, make sure that they are in accessible formats

Outline a plan for analysing the feedback received and implementing changes based on the suggestions provided

Prepare a report on the event’s inclusivity measures and their impact

Consider organising a reflection session with the organising team to discuss what worked well in terms of inclusivity and areas for improvement

Acknowledge and celebrate individuals or groups who contributed significantly to the event’s inclusivity


Done (1 click)

Not applicable (2 clicks)


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