SALTO workshops at the Erasmus+ NA Meeting in Brussels

The European Commission organised the annual Erasmus+ National Agencies’ Meeting from May 21 to May 23, 2024, in Brussels. The three-day event was held at the Bluepoint Brussels and brought together staff from Erasmus+ National Agencies across Europe to discuss key developments and strategies within the programme. The comprehensive agenda featured both horizontal sessions that addressed overarching topics (accreditation systems, EU values, centralised actions, data analysis etc.) and sectorial sessions focused on policy updates, the future of Erasmus+, practice sharing, monitoring etc.

As part of the sectorial sessions, Josip Luša, Head of SALTO Inclusion and Diversity in Education and Training (SALTO ID ET), delivered three workshops tailored to different educational sectors. The first workshop, held on May 22, focused on school education, while the subsequent two workshops, on May 23, were dedicated to vocational education and training and adult education, respectively. Each workshop followed a structured format, beginning with a 30-minute presentation that highlighted the progress and ongoing efforts of SALTO ID ET in supporting inclusion and diversity within the Erasmus+ programme. Following the presentations, participants engaged in 60-minute interactive sessions designed to explore how SALTO ID ET can further enhance its support to National Agencies, beneficiaries and applicants. These discussions were highly collaborative, with participants actively contributing ideas and sharing best practices related to inclusion from their respective countries. Key insights and takeaways from each of the sessions were summarised during the 15-minute reporting period.

The three workshops were attended by over 100 participants from 54 National Agencies, representing a diverse range of perspectives and experiences from across Europe. During the workshops, participants not only discussed the role of SALTO ID ET but also shared examples of successful inclusive practices, whether initiated by National Agencies, beneficiaries or through national initiatives. The collaborative nature of these workshops was further enhanced by the use of Padlet, where participants could add relevant information and resources, creating a rich repository of ideas and best practices.

The Erasmus+ National Agencies’ Meeting provided an excellent platform for SALTO ID ET to showcase its work and engage directly with key stakeholders. The workshops were an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues from across Europe, gather a wealth of new ideas and refine future initiatives to better support inclusion and diversity within the Erasmus+ programme. The feedback and contributions received during these sessions will play a crucial role in shaping the future direction of SALTO ID ET’s work.

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