
SALTO ID ET participated in the seminar hosted by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Youth

On June 11, 2024, Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Youth held a seminar in Zagreb focused on enhancing the social dimension of higher education. The event aimed to present the ongoing activities of the National Group for Improving the Social Dimension of Higher Education and the Ministry’s related projects.

Loredana Maravić, Head of the Department for Higher Education Development, welcomed around forty attendees. Vice-rector of University of Dubrovnik Sanja Žaja Vrbica presented the work of the National Group, while dr. Ana Skledar Matijević from the Institute for the Development of Education showcased their projects and publications. Josip Luša from SALTO Inclusion and Diversity in Education and Training presented our work and highlighted how we support national agency’s staff and beneficiaries in inclusion of persons with fewer opportunities in Erasmus+ programme. The first part of presentations concluded with Horia Onita, President of the European Students’ Union, who discussed current European policies. During the discussion, various higher education institutions presented their projects aimed at improving the social dimension.

The segment dedicated to the recognition of prior learning (RPL) was opened by Loredana Maravić, who emphasized the importance of this process. Christina Paulus from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna and Associate Professor Dunja Škalamera Alilović from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rijeka shared their experiences and methods.

The final discussion highlighted the importance of continuously organizing such events to educate the academic community and facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices among higher education institutions.

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