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July Edition is out!

In July edition, we encouraged you once again to follow, like, and share our new social media channels: Facebook and LinkedIn. We’ll share the latest news, tools, and publications from our SALTO centre, as well as updates from other SALTOs, the European Commission, Erasmus+, and more.

You can also learn more about the ID Forum 2024, the European Solidarity Corps Staff Meeting, and the Erasmus+ TCA Seminar “Key Enablers of a Transforming Digital Education Ecosystem,” which will take place in September 2024. Additionally, the July edition brings plenty of new publications and open calls.

SALTO News serves as the official newsletter for the SALTO community, a network consisting of 11 resource centres dedicated to promoting and enhancing the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programs.

To stay informed about the most recent developments and ensure you never miss an update, be sure to subscribe to SALTO News!

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