
Enhance Inclusion at Your Higher Education Institution!

To boost inclusion efforts of higher education institutions across Europe, SALTO ID ET partnered with Nuffic to further enhance and promote the Erasmus+ Inclusion Scan tool. The tool enables higher education institutions to complete a survey and reflect on the situation concerning inclusion at the institutional level. SALTO ID ET in collaboration with Academic Cooperation Association are setting up a team of experts and enhance the tool by providing HEIs with additional individual consulting sessions. This will enable HEIs across Europe with the opportunity not only to reflect on their inclusive practice and efforts, but also to get detailed and tailored support and guidance on how to strengthen this dimension.

How the process works

Interested HEIs will apply for consultations, and the selected institutions will be asked to complete the Erasmus+ Inclusion Scan tool. After receiving the results, an institution will be paired with one expert for a 1h online consultation session. The output will be a short action-plan with agreed activities that will be implemented over a 6-month period after the consultation session. Depending on the available resources, priority will be given to the higher education institutions which have had no or little engagement with this topic (e.g. they have not participated in training on these topics, etc.)


  1. Application: HEIs complete the application form
  2. Selection: ACA contacts selected HEIs
  3. Self-assessment: Selected HEIs complete an online self-assessment using* and submit their results to ACA.
  4. Expert pairing: Based on the self-assessment results, the HEI will be matched with an expert in inclusive mobility to provide dedicated support.
  5. Consultation session: The HEI will have a one-hour consultation with the expert to discuss their situation and agree on concrete actions for improvement. Multiple participants from a single HEI can join this session.
  6. Action plan: An action plan will be developed for a period of 6 months based on the consultation session.
  7. Follow-up: At the end of the action plan, the HEI will report back to SALTO ID ET and ACA on their progress and provide feedback on the experience.

*The tool can be used by anyone regardless of these consultations.

For more information, contact Martin Bogdan at

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